Friday, June 8, 2007

Unemployment is higher than in 1979 - why is there no outcry?

Brian Wheeler has written an excellent article on BBC News Online regarding unemployment. Joblessness is higher in percentage and absolute terms than it was in 1979. Then, the problem led to an outcry and the Tory "Labour isn't working" campaign, which help to hound Jim Callaghan from office.

Today, there has barely been a mention of any concern over unemployment. Why not? Mr Wheeler provides some answers.
Unemployment: 1.4m / 4.7%
Public concern: 53% say it is biggest issue facing UK

Unemployment: 1.7m / 5.5%
Public concern: 7% say it is biggest issue facing UK

Source: Unemployment: ONS

1 comment:

  1. I'd also suggest that we no longer have 'full employment' as a main aim. We've quietly recognised that it is not possible.

    If long term unemployment rises a lot then that will be a big issue, short term unemployment is not so much of a problem (although too high a turnover rate in general would be of concern).
