Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Belsize LibDems hit the jackpot!

Alexis Rowell of Belsize LibDems has hit the jackpot! A mention in the Guardian Diary today for his passion for recycling:

We are, we confess, quite hopelessly smitten by Camden's Belsize ward Lib Dems and their thrilling young blogger Alexis Rowell. "We really need to install far more on-street recycling bins," enthuses the dashing councillor in a typically inspirational recent post. "Swiss bins tend to come in groups of 10: 2 x paper + cardboard; 1 x PET plastic; 1 x aluminium + tin; 1 x green glass; 1 x clear glass; 1 x brown glass; 1 x bio-waste; 2 x ordinary rubbish; and a small battery recycling bin thrown in for good measure. Crucially, they do not use commingled collection boxes. And their on-street recycling bins are attractive!" Stop, Alexis, lest we swoon: who would have thought politics could inspire such passion?


  1. to be fair, Alexis is Camden's green champion, and rather excellent at that. He deserves particular respect as someone who practices what he preaches.

  2. I didn't mean this as anything other than a respectful post. (I seem to be getting into trouble recently for semi-ironic back-handed compliments!) I have now modified the post and the title to ensure there is absolutely no room for mistaking my respect for Alexis. I don't want to have to add Belsize to the itinerary of my "world tour of apology"! (acks: Boris Johnson)

  3. sorry - I wasn't trying to take you to task either :o)

  4. Thank you, Oxonian, no problem. One's senses are still rather raw after recent experience!
